Monday, January 16, 2006

Soggy Rainbows

Yesterday was the epitome of nice days, beautiful sun rays the cause. It was a fine day to move to a different house, so I did. I left my very dear host family at the door brewing tears, poor Rita’s arms folded tight to suppress her turgid heart’s tremors. Manolo, shirtless, bid me farewell, “Que te vaya bien, cabrón.” Aranza shot me a winky smile that promised me she would laugh at anything I had to say. Maty gave me a hug.

I asked Rita, whose goodbyes are always accompanied with a cigarette or two, if she planned on smoking a few after our parting words. “Of course, I’m going to smoke three right now,” she replied.

“Make it four, and throw in a cigar.”

Aranza laughed.

Thus I left this family of friendly, colorful homophobes. Now I can’t help but feel sad. My first friends in the new world and I had to leave them. One more change on top of the shitload that I’m already schlepping.


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